HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This system provides heating and cooling to residential and commercial
buildings. HVAC systems can be found anywhere from single-family homes to submarines where they provide the
means for environmental comfort. Becoming more and more popular in new construction, these systems use fresh air from
outdoors to provide high indoor air quality. The V in HVAC, or ventilation, is the process of replacing or exchanging air within
a space. This provides a better quality of air indoors and involves the removal of moisture, smoke, odors, heat, dust, airborne
bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other gases as well as temperature control and oxygen replenishment.
HVAC system use different type as following:
1. Chiller system
2. VRF system
3. Duct Split system
4. Mini split unit/ Cassette unit / Stand unit / Window unit
ELECTRON always tries to be one step ahead by keeping an eye on technol ogy advances to provide clients
with the best options available
ELECTRON through its professional engineers is able to re-design, supply, install, integrate, test and commission
electrical systems as per client, QCS and International conditions and requirements.